It’s been a cloudy day here in North Canterbury, but this evening the sky is starting to show slices of blue through it. It’s beautiful. And with the dandelions scattered around the yard like little bursts of starlight, I can’t help but feel a little happier.
Last year at this time, that wasn’t the case though—I was reeling from the devastating news that my brother was dead. Today, I haven’t been able to help but remember all that happened that day, and how our family was changed forever from that time on…but despite that and the difficult memories that come with it, I’ve continuously tried to direct my thoughts up.
Like the Psalmist of old, “Oh Lord, I’m sinking…but You in Your salvation and mercy will lift me up.”
And in this case, that’s enough.
One thing I’ve purposefully been doing these last few days leading up to the one-year anniversary is focus on God’s character. I knew this time would be rough, emotionally speaking. And I wanted to be prepared to some extent. It’s been such a blessed time. Even though there’s been a lot of pain, eyes stinging with tears at times, I know I can still look up and see the truth of God and His Word. It’s one constant thing in my life right now—and it has been constant for the last 2000+ years. It’s not likely to be going anywhere anytime soon.
This has been very helpful for me. Making note of these things, to read over and ground myself in when I need it, has been so special.
I’m thankful…
- For the riches of God’s Word
- For God’s holiness and justice
- For the peace only Jesus can give
- For God’s absolute love and guidance
- For God’s mercy and grace
- For His unending faithfulness
- For hope in Christ
- For the fact that we can trust God in everything
- That He is in control
- That He will never leave us
- That He has (and will) bring us through
- That He has cleared the path before, and He will again
- That He is God, Jehovah-jireh, the Provider
God is so good.
I don’t know what you’re going through right now, what testings (emotionally or physically) you might be facing at the moment. But do know that you are loved, that you are in the center of His hand, and He will never let you go. God is there, in the situation with you. And that, as cliché as it sounds, is really enough.
Trust Him.
If you had to choose, what Bible verse comforts you the most when you’re walking through the valleys? Share below—I’d love to hear!
Marcia says
Isaiah 40:31 …
Esther Filbrun says
I love that one, too! So good. Interestingly enough, I made a quote picture yesterday of that very verse, to hang in our bathroom, hoping it would be an encouragement to the rest of the family. 🙂