This morning, as I was preparing for my day, I spent some time in Proverbs 16, along with reading a few other chapters. Verse three really struck my attention:
“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.“
This past week hasn’t been the easiest in all senses of the term. For the last few months, Dad and Mom have been trying to figure out how to buy this rental we’re currently in. Due to one thing and another, though, getting all the paperwork together and getting the inspections and agreements drawn up has been a tedious, drawn-out process. And this week, they got the news that if they can’t get everything together by Friday, we won’t be able to purchase the place.
“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.“
I was struck by the similarity of this verse with one a book earlier in Psalm 37:
“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.“
This committing thing is hard. It’s entrusting everything we have (or think we have, when really it’s His all along) to God. And while theoretically we might know that He’s the one in control anyway, it’s still hard to choose to give it to Him.
If we can’t get this place, we’ll have to move. While I’m personally not too worried about moving, and in some ways would welcome the change, I do shudder a little at the thought of the amount of work needed for us to make the move as a family. It’s a big job.
“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.“
Sigh. I think I have more to learn in this “commitment” stage. And while I pray for God’s will to be done, and that I will be accepting and eager for His plan for my life—our lives—it still takes faith to wait.
Uncertainty is a difficult thorn to work with, but today, I’m going to focus on committing it and my future to Him.
I’ve got a promise to stand on that my thoughts will be established, and He will bring my way—His will for my life—to fruition.
What uncertainties are you facing today? What encouragement have you gleaned from the Word as you try to face it with a Christ-like attitude?
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