I had so much fun putting together my August TBR list that I thought I’d do it again for September! I realized, after I finished putting together that list, that I’d probably picked too many books, and didn’t leave enough room for spontaneous picks. Oops! In the end, out of the 9 books I put on my list, I read 7 of them—I didn’t have time to get to The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy or Byrd’s Eye View by Chautona Havig. Oh well! Maybe I can pick them up some other time.
Here are the covers of the books I read in August. If you are interested in what I thought of any of them, click on the cover to be taken to the review.
After last month’s slightly too-long TBR list, I decided to try to go a bit lighter on the total number of titles this month. “Try” being the operative word—I have six books on my list this month, but I have hopes of being able to add a few other books to the list as the month goes on. I guess we’ll see!
One thing I’m excited about this month is that I’ve started something of a reading journal! I’ve been wanting to do that for a while, and finally got some specific ideas of how to do that recently. I’m hoping to do a more in-depth post on this soon, but suffice to say for now, I’ve come across several other fun reading challenges (the Buzzword challenge and Peanut Blossom’s Book Bingo), and I’m using some of those prompts to build my TBR list this month.
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First, a book I got for review:
I’ve been trying to keep an eye on the books that are coming up in the next few months, and when I saw The Warsaw Sisters by Amanda Barratt, I was immediately intrigued. The only other book I remember reading that was set in Warsaw is The Silver Sword (and what an incredible story that one is!), but that was many years ago, so I’m eager to try something new. This book releases on Nov. 7. Isn’t the cover gorgeous?
September’s reading challenge:
This month’s prompt for the Read Your Bookshelf Challenge was to turn to page 50 in the book I read for the challenge in August, and a word on that page had to be in this month’s title. I found the word “trek” on that page, which reminded me of a book I’ve been wanting to reread for months!
My pick: Sara’s Trek by Florence Schloneger
Mom read this book to us when I was little, and I remember enjoying it. I’ve been wanting to re-read it to refresh my memory, so this is an excellent time to do that!
A book a friend suggested:
My pick: The Night the Angels Came by Chrissie Chapman
A friend and I were messaging a couple of weeks ago, and she mentioned having just finished this book, and how much she appreciated it. I was intrigued, and found a used copy for not too much. I’m looking forward to reading it this month!
A book with the word “secret” in the title:
My pick: The Tanglewoods’ Secret by Patricia St. John
We just watched the movie based on this book as a family, and I realized then how little I remembered the story! That means it’s high time to read it again. I’m looking forward to diving in and comparing it to the movie. I’m sure it will be good; Patricia St. John is one of my all-time favorite authors!
A book with “magic” or a related word in the title:
My pick: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
When I saw this prompt on the Buzzword reading challenge, I wasn’t sure I would be able to find anything on our shelves—we don’t tend to have magic-related books around here. But when I searched for “witch”, this one came up, and I’m thrilled to get to read it again! I’ve read it at least twice already, although it’s been many years since the last time I picked it up.
A book that has spent the longest time on my To-Read shelf:
My pick: Return by M H Rice
Okay, this is probably slightly cheating: I just looked back at my old TBR/books-I-got-for-review list, and realized this isn’t quite the oldest one on there. I’m going to count it, though, because it is almost the oldest one on that list, and it’s definitely been on my physical TBR shelf the longest. I’ve been meaning to read this series since 2018, and although books 1 and 2 ended up being 2-star reads for me, I’m intrigued enough that I want to finish the series.
And there you have it—the books I’m hoping to read in September! I’m really hoping to get to a few more than what I’ve listed here, but even if I don’t, I’ll be happy to have revisited some of these old friends and met a couple of new ones.
Have you read any of these titles? What books are you hoping to read in September?