I’m fairly certain I’ve done a Five Minute Friday writing prompt before, but I don’t remember for sure. One of…
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Soft Solo Piano Music (without a price tag!)
UPDATE, May 2024: NoiseTrade/Paste Magazine no longer appears to provide music albums to download, so I’ve removed those links. Some…
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Lockdown Ramblings and a New Writer’s Tool (Freebie!)
Well, it’s certainly been an interesting two weeks! After watching all the quarantine notices throughout the States, I wondered how…
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Writing Inspiration Resources — Where I’m Finding Motivation Right Now
We’re currently in the thick of moving preparations at the moment. It’s Wednesday; we’re moving Saturday, and there are still some cleaning jobs, final yard clean-up, and last-minute packing to do yet! But we’re getting there.
My writing time lately has been struggling quite a bit. We’ve been spending a lot more time with other people (mostly goodbye meals), and the stress of having things in limbo especially this last week has really made it difficult to focus. I never realized before what part a tidy, “normal” environment plays into my creativity levels! It’s a fascinating thing to think about.
Anyway, I have wanted to continue doing at least a little writing, just to keep the practice in, so I’ve been pushing myself to do 100 words each day in my story. Keeping going in the midst of change is hard, but at the same time it’s also refreshing to have one constant I can count on in my life.
Book Club Beginnings
Somewhere near the beginning of the year, I came across Tim Challies’ reading challenge. I don’t remember if I’ve ever seen it before, but when I saw the list—and imagined how much it would stretch my current reading habits!—I thought it might be worth a try. Just once.
After all, if I do finish even one portion of the list, I’ll have read some books I wouldn’t have normally read before, so that’s worthwhile in itself!
Some of the books in the challenge will be pretty easy to do, like biographies, or books published in 2018 (for the last few years, I’ve often had the chance to read to-be-released books, or recently released ones, so this shouldn’t be a problem!).