These last weeks have been full, although not the kind of “full” I’ve had other times. Finally, after four or…
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The Five Minute Tip
One of the most lasting things I learned from NaNoWriMo in November was how much writing I could accomplish in…
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Task Management and Bullet Journaling
One thing I’ve been working on lately is figuring out how to best manage my to-do list. I often have a lot of different projects going all at once, and along with that often a lot of little tasks. Keeping track of everything—and knowing what to do when—is something I definitely haven’t gotten down to a fine art yet.
Week 25 Plans
Last week was a great week! Somewhat different from what I expected, but still a good week.
This week is looking interesting—our washer died about a week ago, so we need to get another one. That’s one day away from home, and then this weekend we’re hosting a Creation ministry meeting, which will be lots of fun but there will be some prep work that needs to be done. We’ll also get to have friends visit or come for dinner then, which is extra wonderful!
Anyway, with three different days full this next week, I’m planning a fairly light workload. Hopefully, I’ll have more time to work than I think I will, but we’ll see.
My Goals for This Week
Planning has always been a sore point for me. I love the idea; love the feel of paper under my fingers and seeing plans take shape before me. I can easily spend hours reading productivity blogs about how one could go about making a plan for what you want to do in a year, broken down into quarters, months, weeks, and finally days. I love it, I really do.
Yet this morning, as I was mulling over the words from Proverbs: “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule…” (12:24), I realized how very lazy I have been about my work lately. How little I’ve accomplished, and how much I’ve let the important things slip.