Contentment. Happiness. Hope. Peace. Thankfulness. I believe they all have one thing in common—joy. I could live in a sea…
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God's Goodness
Blessings This Week
I have so many thoughts that I could jot down and share with you. Today, I thought I’d give you a random collection, and perhaps something will inspire you where you are to keep going on for the Lord more!
1) We’ve just come through the Easter season, and oh, what a refreshing reset that has been for me personally! We’ve been attending an Easter conference the last five years as a family (hosted by a church group we’ve grown to love quite dearly), and this year we were blessed to go down there and worship with them again. It’s so good to remember what the Lord has done for us. To have rich fellowship. To laugh and sing and share together. What a blessing!
2) I’ve been listening to a lot of songs from past years of A Cappella Gospel Sing lately, and it’s struck me over and over again how much we have to thank the Lord for! It’s amazing how songs can lift our spirits and refocus us on what matters most! If you need a bit of encouragement, I’d recommend reading chapters from the Psalms or picking up a hymnal and studying the words to the old hymns. There’s so much depth there.
Asking The Way to Zion
I just finished reading the book of Jeremiah today, and was very blessed by a couple verses from chapter 50. I pray you will be, too!
“They shall ask the way to Zion…saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to the LORD in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.” (Jeremiah 50:5, emphasis mine)
Am I asking about the way to Zion today? And wow…we have been given that everlasting, perpetual covenant that will not be forgotten now! We now possess what the Jews back in Jeremiah’s day had to look forward to! Praise the Lord!
“Their Redeemer is strong; the LORD of hosts is his name: he shall throughly plead their cause, that he may give rest to the land…” (Jeremiah 50:34)
Our Redeemer IS strong. And I am so, so thankful!
Thank You for the Valley…
A song that has encouraged me often over the years. I was just singing it the other day, and realized I hadn’t listened to it in a long time! He is so good to us! Trust in Him!
Courage vs. Fear
I read a quote last night that really struck me: “Living unafraid doesn’t mean that we don’t feel fear but that we don’t obey it.” (from the Our Daily Bread devotional)
As one who has had to deal with fear a lot, especially with regards to the aftermath of my brother’s death, this encouraged me to see another angle. Or at least hear the truth put in another way.
We were never called to obey fear—that is far removed from what Jesus called us to! He called us to walk and live out of love, loving God first and foremost, knowing His abundant, unreserved love, and that affecting every other area in our lives.