UPDATE, May 2024: NoiseTrade/Paste Magazine no longer appears to provide music albums to download, so I’ve removed those links. Some…
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Writing Tools
Lockdown Ramblings and a New Writer’s Tool (Freebie!)
Well, it’s certainly been an interesting two weeks! After watching all the quarantine notices throughout the States, I wondered how…
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The Five Minute Tip
One of the most lasting things I learned from NaNoWriMo in November was how much writing I could accomplish in…
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Writing Inspiration Resources — Where I’m Finding Motivation Right Now
We’re currently in the thick of moving preparations at the moment. It’s Wednesday; we’re moving Saturday, and there are still some cleaning jobs, final yard clean-up, and last-minute packing to do yet! But we’re getting there.
My writing time lately has been struggling quite a bit. We’ve been spending a lot more time with other people (mostly goodbye meals), and the stress of having things in limbo especially this last week has really made it difficult to focus. I never realized before what part a tidy, “normal” environment plays into my creativity levels! It’s a fascinating thing to think about.
Anyway, I have wanted to continue doing at least a little writing, just to keep the practice in, so I’ve been pushing myself to do 100 words each day in my story. Keeping going in the midst of change is hard, but at the same time it’s also refreshing to have one constant I can count on in my life.
Midweek Mix-Up #14: Indians, Spotify, and Goal Setting
Welcome to this week’s version of midweek mix-up! Since I missed Tuesday’s post, I thought I’d share an extra-wonderful resource that I personally love with you today.
Reading this week:
The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
Progress: Finished.
This book turned out to be a fascinating read! I loved how Elizabeth Speare showed Matt interacting with the Indians, learning their ways, and how she worked the ending—that was quite sweet. Overall, this is a well-written story about pioneers and the life they led in the mid 1700s.
Midweek Mix-Up #13: Romania, Adoniram Judson, and Tools for Writers
Well, midweek mix-up is a bit late this week. I’ve had a full schedule lately in uploading new book reviews, enjoying spring time, and writing the September newsletter. Here I am now, with a few new books for you to peruse!
Reading this week:
Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand
Progress: Finished!
Oh, this book. I love it, and at the same time I hate it. It’s…powerful. Through Richard’s eyes, we see the harsh reality of what it means for many Christians in restricted nations to never be able to know—from one day or the next—what their future is going to look like. What it’s like to always hide—even from your own pastor at times!—that you’re a believer. Richard suffered much under the Communists—when the USSR had control of Romania—and while he doesn’t go into a lot of detail, he shares enough that you can understand where he’s coming from.