Hello again from the depths of New Zealand! How are all of you doing? It feels like ages since I sat down to write, but…yeah. Just hasn’t happened. #Life, y’know?
After working for a family in February/early March, I’ve been home again for a month, which has been wonderful.
I got home just in time to see the transition between summer and autumn—we had one week of beautiful weather, before chillier days swept in with rain, streaming windows in the morning, and a nip in the air in the evening. I love the change of the seasons! And even though winter isn’t my favorite time of the year, I do look forward to cozy days with the fire going, lots of hot drinks, and (hopefully) some time to sit and read in the longer evenings.
I’ve been enjoying working with my goats again. My family is very good about taking care of them for me when I’m away, but it’s been fun to take care of them myself since I’ve been back! I still need help getting their fence moved, but they are lovely animals, and I’m thankful I’m able to have them right now.
The one on the left (below) is Basil, one of our doe kids; the other is my nanny goat, Sage. In the background is Sassy, our other doe kid.
Last weekend, my brothers and I had fun working together on a project—building shelves for our shipping container that we use for storage! We’ve also had guests in there at times, but it’s recently gotten almost too messy to use as a guest room. Shelving will really help. I got to be “hammer hand” for them, although I told them later that I wouldn’t recommend they hire me for the job…. 🙂
Today, Mom and I spent most of the afternoon working up several boxes of apples. We have fresh applesauce again! That’s a treat we only get this time of year!
What have you been keeping yourself busy with lately?
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