It’s been a busy few weeks—and it’s going to get even busier for me for a while! Two weeks ago, I got a message from a mother who is going to need help for six weeks starting next Tuesday, and after talking with my current boss, it became possible for me to go.
Oh, and did I mention that I was given two extra mornings of work per week a month or so ago? That’s been an unexpected blessing! After several months of looking for work, I’m really thankful to have more again!

A random picture, I know, but I’m not the only busy person around here—baby sister is very active, and loves spending time outside when she can!
Anyway, back to my upcoming time away from home: I don’t know this family very well, but I am looking forward to getting to know them better. It will be fun to get to look after some new children, and I’m hoping they will enjoy it as well. I’m also expecting it to be challenging, but that’s when God steps in to take care of what I cannot.
Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out what all I need to get done yet this week. I had a dress cut out but not sewed up sitting in my closet, and thought it would be nice to have that finished before I go, there are some reviews that need to be uploaded and scheduled on the book review website, and I need to make sure everybody knows how to keep my kombucha and sourdough alive while I’m gone.
Friday a week ago, I had a special treat—I found out a younger friend of mine had some sewing to do, so I got to go over to her house and sew with her all day! I didn’t get all the way done with the dress, but made a good amount of progress. It was going together very well, I hadn’t had to unpick any seams, and I was feeling pretty good about that—until I sewed a sleeve on upside down. I felt brilliant while I got to take both seams on that sleeve out again! It’s good to have a reminder every now and then that pride is not a good attribute to have. 🙂
What are you looking forward to right now? What are you working on?
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