It’s a chilly, rainy day here on the west coast, and someone got our fire going for the first time this year. Usually, we’re having warm (if not hot!) sunny days this time of year, but due to a combination of the smoke coming this way from the Australian wildfires and the normal cold fronts that move through from time to time, we have a cooler day today.
I just finished a cup of tea, and am about ready to tackle some other projects—but I though it would be fun to first sit down and drop a line to you!
Last year, according to my on-paper tracker, I read 55 books. Although I didn’t get Goodreads updated in time (something I’m hoping to rectify this week!), it was a very good reading year, surpassing my yearly goal by five books. I’m hoping to do more than that this year, although my “official” goal is to read 50 books.
One change I’m planning to do this year, as opposed to last year, is to participate in four different reading challenges!
As an avid reader, I’m really excited about these! I feel like I tend to get stuck in the Christian fiction genre a lot, so I’m hoping these will help me get out of that rut a little bit—besides the fact that, well, they’re just so fun! Of the 55 books I read last year, 37 (67%) were Christian fiction, and 15 (27%) were non-fiction.
So, in no particular order, here are the four challenges I’m looking forward to doing this year:
1. Netgalley/Edelweiss Reading Challenge
Last year, I read 12 books that came from NetGalley, and I still have 3 I haven’t read, besides some OLD ones I’m not sure I’ll ever read. I know there will likely be lots of other good books from here coming out in 2020, so I’m aiming for the Bronze (10 books) level, which may end up upgrading to Silver (25 books) before the year is out, depending on how many books I end up with.
2. Tim Challies’ 2020 Christian Reading Challenge
I was aiming to do this challenge two years ago, but only ended up reading one book for it. #epicfail This year, I have it printed out and pasted into the diary I use daily, so hopefully I’ll remember to refer back to it regularly this year! I’m aiming for the Avid (26 books) level, although I’d love to get to Committed (52 books) if I can. Depends on how many books I can find that would work for multiple lists!
3. Modern Mrs. Darcy’s 2020 Reading Challenge
I picked this one because it’s a short challenge AND one that I don’t think I’ll have too much trouble finding books for (well, maybe the “local author” one…might need to scope out our local library for that)! We’ll see. I’ve printed out her super-cute bookmark, and am looking forward to filling it up with the different titles as I read.
4. 2020 Christian Fiction Readers’ Challenge
Even though I would like to have a fairly balanced reading diet (which means, ideally, that I will be reading a good number of non-fiction books this year), if I am going to read fiction, I’d rather it be Christian fiction of some kind. I do enjoy some historical fiction that isn’t Christian, but not a lot. Some of the ideas here are fun—as in, I’m not sure how many “Esther” fiction writers I’ve come across so far (may need to fudge for that one…any ideas?). I’m aiming for Teir 2 (26 books), although I’d love to get through Tier 3 if I can!
Here’s my current to-be-read-next list:
Right now, I’m almost done reading Stories Behind the Songs and Hymns About Heaven by Ace Collins, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to fit it into any of the challenges besides the NetGalley challenge. My next two, though…I think I’ll be able to manage!
Now, I need to go try to finish the 12 (!) book reviews I need to catch up on!
Are you doing any reading challenges this year? If so, which ones? What do you have up next on your to-be-read list?
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