Well, this week is bringing June to a close already! With the end of June comes the end of a couple challenges I’ve been running for myself (well, not really challenges as such; more like trying to do things a different way to see if I get different results).
The first “challenge” would be the weekly newsletter I’ve been sending instead of the usual monthly one. I’ve really enjoyed doing that! For some reason, it feels a whole lot easier and more personal than the monthly one—even though it takes longer to put together. I’m planning to continue that on this next month at least, and perhaps will make it a semi-permanent feature.
The other “challenge” would be these weekly goal posts. It’s been good to have a clear goal in mind the past four weeks, even though I haven’t managed to complete everything every week. I’m planning to continue this on through July, too.
Overall, I’ve had a great month. God has been so good to us! Our washer broke down a couple weeks ago, but it just so happened (one of those “only God” things?) that it was still under warranty! We were able to get a gift card for the amount we had spent on it, and soon after we got the gift card we were able to find a new washer. Then this past weekend, we’ve had a friend come to visit and more friends came for dinner one evening before the Creation meeting I mentioned last week. Overall, it’s been a great weekend—nice to catch up with everyone and enjoy a little fellowship.
I neglected to get a single picture from the weekend (maybe I was too busy socializing?)—sorry about that! So we’ll just have to have a picture-less post.
But on to last week’s goals, since that is actually the reason why I’m writing this evening!
Last week’s list:
Proofread doc 4(realized that this has already been done; started on doc 22)Send this week’s newsletter(finished Friday)Plan what I’ll bake Friday(finished Monday)Make a list of needed ingredients for baking(finished Monday)Bake stuff on Friday!(finished Friday)Schedule book reviews for this week(finished Thursday)- Schedule book reviews for next week (almost finished Thursday; just have two days to go)
Edit/post walnut picking pictures(finished and posted Thursday)Decide on hymn(finished Wednesday; chose I Am Not Skilled to Understand)
This week’s list:
- Reply to emails in inbox
- Edit doc 22
- Upload reviews in doc 22
- Catch up on writing reviews (I’m behind! I’ve been writing too many other things!)
- Spend 2 ½ hours on new theme
- Send weekly newsletter (maybe I’ll remember it earlier if it’s on the to-do list?)
- Finish I Needed a Neighbour (it’s short, which means I should get through it fast…right?)
- Spend 15 min. researching I Am Not Skilled to Understand (hopefully, eventually, I can write a “story behind the story” on this one…one day!)
Well, another week is here. And I believe—with a little extra time seeking the Lord’s guidance and taking time to meditate on the Word—that it will be a good week. Oh, and it’s only 9:30, which means I can indulge in a story before I go to sleep and still be asleep by 10 pm! Now how’s that for the perfect ending to a great Sunday?
What about you? How has your weekend been? What are you planning to try to accomplish this week?
Ross says
It really was a lovely weekend. Just fantastic.
Do you know that hymn “Life is wonderful, Yes it’s wonderful, life is wonderful now for me. I let Jesus in, He changed EVERYTHING, life is wonderful now! since His blessing came into my Heart, joy unspeakable fills every part. And I want to live for my Lord. Life is wonderful now!”
I was singing it rather loudly in my car on the way to work today. 🙂 Did you ever do your walk whilst singing “This is the day?” 🙂 We certainly are a peculiar people, Praise YAHWEH!
Trusting for a blessed week ahead and please convey my birthday wishes to Gayle. I just raised a cup of coffee in his honour! 🙂