Last week was a success in my opinion, and even though I didn’t get everything done I’m satisfied with what was accomplished.
Last week’s list:
Clean out inbox(finished Wednesday)Proofread reviews doc 20(finished Wednesday)- Get links for books in doc 20 (3 left out of 15)
- Get covers for books in doc 20 (3 left out of 15)
Decide on author to interview(done Thursday)- Contact author
Finish reading Ante Up!(finished Tuesday)- Decide on hymn to research
- Research hymn
- Brainstorm ideas for hymn story
- Finish The Old Man’s Home (made progress, but not done)
This week’s list (besides the unfinished ones above):
- Write 500 words in hymn story
- Proofread doc 21
- Proofread doc 4
- Finish uploading doc 20
- Review Ante Up!
- Spend 5 hours on new theme for website
Looks like a lot of work, but I really want to get this much done. Even though a good portion of the work revolves around reviews, I am hoping to take time to hone other skills such as semi-fiction writing and perhaps a bit of piano practice this week too. Every little bit counts!
Just sent out this week’s newsletter tonight. If you’re interested in finding out about the latest reviews, or seeing what I’ve been reading lately, go here to read that.
Have a great week!
Great that you have enjoyed ‘The Distant Hills’, ‘The Old Man’s Home’ and ‘The Shadow of the Cross.’ They all really appealed to me also. Despite the age of them, the relevance of the allegories remain. It is amazing that what applied in the 1800’s still applies today. When you think of most things, this is not the case…. whether it be the style of language, the means by which we communicate (letter vs email), the types of technology, even something as simple of how we wash our clothes – everything has changed. Everything, that is, except for the substance of the Christian life. The issues, temptations and snares of times past, though possibly more intense today, remain the same in their substance, as does the efficacy of the Blood of Christ, which cleanses us from all sin.
I have been recently re-reading Pilgrims Progress – written in the 1600’s… it also can boast 100% relevance today. Again, the same snares and pitfalls of life, and the same ‘narrow way’ is outlined, to Salvation, through Christ the Door.
This is one thing that amazes me about our Father. His standard, His Word and His Life are completely consistent across time. It doesn’t matter whether you are a peasant in Germany in the 1500’s, fleeing persecution or a Christian young person in 2016, the ‘sin which so easily besets us’ is the same, (it’s common to man), and the antidote is also the same. So when we see the saints from all the ages at the end, our testimonies should all equate and all should give Glory to Yahshua and His Father.
I hope that you recover from your cold soon, and it’s good to know that you all enjoyed your day together today.
Keep shining 🙂