You may remember that back in January, I participated in Five Minute Friday’s writing prompt of the week. I’ve been…
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Gideon’s Cloak
Well, hello again, friends! I thought I’d drop in here today to share a little Scripture nugget I was blessed…
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Micah and Mary
Currently, I’m doing a reading plan that involves reading ten different chapters in ten different books of the Bible per day. For me, it’s a fairly flexible one—some days, I only end up reading one chapter, other days it’s just five, but I always aim for all ten. The way this particular plan is set up is that once you finish reading a certain “section” of the Bible, you just start it over—and that can cause some interesting mashups at times!
A few days ago, several chapters really stood out to me, and I thought I’d share my notes from them today, as I’m still thinking about them this morning.