It’s the end of a busy day, the sun just set behind the mountains. Mountains that, at the beginning of…
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Tuis! …and a Bellbird
Well, I’ve been writing a good many blog posts in my head, but haven’t managed to get any onto digital…
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Tripping: Punakaiki, July 2019
If there’s one place on the West Coast that has grabbed my heart for the beauty, it’s just about got…
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Flowers and Family Time
We’ve been in Michigan for nearly three wonderful weeks now. The main goal of our family trip was to attend my grandma’s 70th birthday celebration, and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins were here for a few short days last week. Despite the hand, foot, and mouth disease that almost all the younger children caught, we had a wonderful catch-up time and made memories that I’m sure will last for many years.
New Calf! (Photo Challenge day 5)
Today, finally, the event we’ve all been waiting for happened: Our cow had her calf. Phew! Can’t wait for the real milk to come in in about three days, and hopefully it’ll taste good—the milk at the end off her last lactation had a bitter note to it. Of course, in the convening three days we may try making colostrum Yorkshire pudding (which is delicious!), or that baked custard with cardamom in it that Mom discovered the second-to-last time the cow calved. For tonight, though, Mama and calf are staying together, and Mr. Calf has figured out pretty quickly where the yummy stuff to fill his tummy comes from!
All of us were out there to see the calf born. Thankfully, Chessie didn’t seem to mind too much, and it provided a great “science-in-action” demonstration! I’ll spare you the pictures of the birth. 🙂