I was hoping to get to a February TBR post this month, and that just hasn’t happened. We were away on holiday for the first few days of the month, and then when we got home, it seemed like one thing after another happened, and I haven’t had the time or brain space to sit down and think about a post until now.
So far this year, I’ve read 19 books (some of those are included in the list below). I’m not sure how that happened, aside from the fact that I read a LOT of audiobooks . . . but I’ve also read a lot of other books, too. I was also on a classics reading kick last month, which was a lot of fun! I’d like to return to that, but we’ll see how the next few weeks go.
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New Releases/ARCs:

This month, I’ve had a few ARCs to read. Those have taken highest priority in my reading list.
Released February 6: Embers in the London Sky by Sarah Sundin. I loved this story! Fascinating history, sweet romance, an intriguing mystery . . . there was a lot to love here. If The Wednesday Wars wasn’t my top read of the month so far, I think Embers could be this month’s favorite pick.
Released February 13: While the City Sleeps by Elizabeth Camden. I didn’t enjoy this one as much as Embers, but it was still a fun history/mystery/romance read.
Releasing February 27: Return to Eden by Paco Roca. I haven’t started this graphic novel yet, but I’m hoping to in the next day or so. It sounds intriguing; I believe it’s a true story, based on the author’s mother’s life after the war. I’ve hardly read anything about Spain in recent years, which makes me interested in the story, and I’m really hoping it won’t have anything icky in it!
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge:
This month’s prompt says I need to read a book under 250 pages. I’m going to go with a super short book this month, Selina by Pauline Cartwright (47 pages long; it’s an early chapter book), and if I have time to do something more after that, I may end up swapping out books later on. I wouldn’t normally go with such a short book, but it fits the prompt, and it’s one I own but haven’t read yet—and I have a goal of working through some of the books I own this year.
Library books:

I got to go to the library near the end of January—the first time in a year or more for me! What a treat! Even more of a treat, I found some books by authors I’ve wanted to try for a while or old favorite authors, but titles I haven’t read yet, so I ended up checking out three books. I’ve read one, am almost through another, and have yet to start the third.
The one I’ve finished: The Brontë Plot by Katherine Reay. I’ve been wanting to try her books for a while. This wasn’t my most favorite read ever, but I’m excited to read more of her works. I loved all the references to classics that she wove into this story, as well as the way she told a story of transformation and hope.
The one I’m currently reading: Seacrow Island by Astrid Lindgren. She’s one of my favorite authors from childhood (Pippi Longstocking was a particular favorite), and this book is the most darling story! I’ve laughed more with this book than almost any other book this year (The Wednesday Wars was also pretty funny), and am absolutely delighted at the whimsical way this story is told. I’m currently trying to convince Mom to read this aloud before it goes back to the library. 😉
The one I haven’t started yet: Her Mother’s Hope by Francine Rivers. Rivers has been slightly hit-or-miss with me, but for the most part, I’ve enjoyed her works. It seemed like a good time to take the chance to read another of her books.
Audio Books:

I still have quite a bit of gardening ahead of me this month, so I’ll be turning on audiobooks to keep myself entertained through that.
First up: Christy by Catherine Marshall. I’m re-reading this book as an audiobook. SUCH a good story. Thoroughly enjoying it again!
And if I have time: The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo. I just recently got Les Misérables in print, so I’m hoping to start reading it soon(ish), but for now, I’m content to get my classics in audio format. I’ve heard mixed feedback on this one, so I’ll be interested to see what I think about it.
Here’s my (physical) February stack. It looks pretty small, but if you count in the ebooks and audiobooks I’ve read/am reading this month as well, it would be quite a bit taller.

I’m also hoping to have a peek at the Brighter Winter Reading Challenge yet this month, but I know my time is running out . . . I just haven’t had enough time to even really think about it. I believe I did manage to fill in about seven boxes last month, but I haven’t had time to look at the list for quite a while. If you manage to complete the challenge, or even part of it, I’d love to know what you read for it!
What are you reading this month? What is the best book you’ve read so far in February?
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