This morning, I read the story of Jacob, his sons, daughter Dinah, and the men of Shechem. It’s not a nice story at all, but what blessed me out of that was the fact that though wrong was done by both parties, God still had a plan.
In this case, He ended up protecting Jacob’s family, and this circumstance also caused Jacob to turn to the Lord more—in the next chapter, we read that Jacob told his family, “let’s go to Bethel, so I can make an altar to the God who answers me when I am in trouble and has been with me wherever I’ve gone.” (Genesis 35:3, my paraphrase)
The Canaanites around them could have easily made war against Jacob for destroying a city, but they didn’t. A “terror from God” kept them quiet.
There is so much trouble around us these days—but here is the One we must turn to. Only the Lord can answer and help us in the day of trouble. Only He possesses the wisdom and help we need. Only He walks with us wherever we go.
Look to Jesus!
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