Happy Thursday, everyone! The day is brilliantly sunny outside right now, with a few clouds in the blue sky. It’s also pretty warm out there, so I’m sitting inside with a fan on.
Lord willing, we’ll be moving in two and a half weeks. And although that isn’t very far off, I’m also looking forward to having it done. Mom’s done an excellent job of getting packed up as much as possible ahead of time in places like the library, bathroom, and kitchen—getting rid of the stuff we don’t use on a day-to-day basis.
(Which is wonderful, except for times like last night when I was making rhubarb crisp, and some of the ingredients I wanted to use were packed! 🙂 Thankfully, we had substitutes that worked well!)
I was originally planning on moving a week and a half ahead of the rest of the family, but at this point that doesn’t look like it’s as needed as it was before. I could still go, but we’ll see what ends up happening. I’m praying for direction.
Meanwhile, I’ve got a list of things I need to get done—including get some reviews scheduled for over the time we move. This morning, I got all the pre-uploading stuff done, so as soon as I’m finished writing this, I’ll tackle that again.
For the most part, I feel like I’m pretty-much on track to get everything done that I must get done before we move. That’s a good feeling! After I’m done uploading reviews, I’ll be able to work on other things like making sure I’ve written reviews of all the books I’ve read (fell off the bandwagon for that one these last few months!), or maybe getting some sewing done. We’ll see!
What are you working on today? What’s the weather like where you are?
Liberty Bluebelle says
So close and yet so far away! I can sympathize with the feeling of looking forward to it being done. =D
I’m praying for your family as you conquer this next transition in your life, and that you may all feel the Father’s love for each one of you in a special way over the coming weeks. =)
Warm and sunny there? Cold and rainy here. =D But I like the sound of rain. It makes reading and writing all the more cozy. =)
I enjoy your blog posts!
Liberty Bluebelle
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” II Corinthians 3:17
Esther Filbrun says
Liberty! Thanks for taking time to comment!
Yes, it can seem that way at times. Thank you so much for praying! Really appreciate that.
Oh yes, I love that about rain too–and we’ll be getting a lot of it where we’re going, which will be nice! Still, warm, sunny weather is lovely, too, so I can’t really complain.
Hope you’re having a wonderful week!